Artwalk Exhibition Fort McMurray
Louise's own display with the theme "Reflection"
On 25th - 28th of February Louise joined and helped organising a group exhibition in Fort McMurray.
The exhibition was the first in its kind and part of WinterPlay Wood Buffalo.
With her Tuesday artgroup she organised an exhibition theme: "we are watching you", that became a great succes.
The press wrote:
The third annual event — the younger, colder version of summer's InterPlay — also featured a selection of vendors offering everything from tarot card readings to cosmetics to clothing and jewelry and an art walk featuring the works of Wood Buffalo artisans.
So, just how did the weekend go? "Fantastic," was the immediate reply from Claude Giroux, Events Wood Buffalo executive director yesterday. "Attendance at WinterPlay Land at MacDonald Island Park has been completely beyond our wildest dreams. We had at least 6,000 people walk through our doors yesterday, probably about half that on Friday," he said. He said there were some "fantastic" new additions to this year's event. "The art walk has really just blown everybody away."..........
CAROL CHRISTIAN - Fort McMurray Today, March 1st 2010.
More info and pictures: Arts & Culture of Wood Buffalo blog
Regional Museum of Yuzhno Sakhalinsk June 2008
At the opening of the exhibition. It was opened by Raisa Alexevna Blinova head of the department of Culture of Sakhalin Oblast and the director of the museum Alexander Valisevich Bygika. The other speakers were Irina Malkova, Elena Almaeva and Natalia Kovalevskaya. Maria Shitova did the translations.
That same evening we were on TV.
Exhibition Paintings & Poetry June 2008 - Poccia Caxaлин
And this is what the press wrote:
ok ok, it's all in Russian, so below there are two (a bit crooked) translations:
Pig as a source of inspiration
In the regional art museum opened an exhibition of "Inspiration" by Louisa Van
Alenburg. It is the result of more than three years of the Dutch painter living
on Sakhalin island. Painting is not her main occupation, but she is an
enthusiast painter all her life (Louisa is a psychologist by education). And in
whatever corner of the globe she continued to paint, everywhere she collected
local experience - nature, people, landmarks. On our island, this habit led to a
series of almost documentary sketches - of domestic scenes and ordinary people,
not famous people, just people you see on Sakhalin streets, markets. These
paintings are included in the series entitled "Life in Russia". Works by Louisa
Van Alenburg show genuine interest to every day life today, especially in
contrast to most of the current paintings done on Sakhalin (by other artists), that mostly are
without people. She sees people in the street like vendors as if they are new to
her, admires the colour of our sky and ice, swims in emotions such as the
phenomenon the Russian banya (This is also the name of the series). And the
brightest spot of the exhibition was a portrait of pig's head at the counter of
the meat market ( "Borka podmignul" – Borka’s last wink).
The exhibition reflects the breath of her interests and variety of techniques
with which she is experimenting - watercolors, pastels, oils, and some work
performed on aluminum sheets (for example, "The accident in the wilderness" -
Crashed in nature - red.). On the issue of admiration for other painters, Louise
named Repin and Mondriaan. In Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk she improves her painting level
in the workshop of the Union of Artists Victor and Natalia Kovalevski. The
exhibition presents her as a poet - her beautiful work illustrated poems. Works
by Louisa van Alenburg offer visitors Sakhalin, as seen from the "other side" -
they are open-hearthed, childlike naive and very friendly. And the very
participation of the Expatriate community, who came in full support to the
official Opening Day, was a good example to us - we Russians, unfortunately, are not as
curious and not so friendly. In her welcoming speech at the opening of the
acting Head of the culture field Raisa Blinova expressed the hope that the
creativity of talented foreigners living in Sakhalin, will be presented in the
traditional festival of national cultures, which this year will take place in
September. Exhibition "Inspiration" will continue to work within a month.
25.06.2008 Culture - Just life
The exposition activities of regional art museum again has a "Dutch" footprint.
Eight years ago "small Dutchmen" XVII Century” were represented in the Sakhalin
art museum, and now we can speak about creations of "new Dutchmen" - our
contemporaries and virtually compatriots. The exhibition "Inspiration", opened
in the provincial art museum and Louisa van Alenburg, shows the creative outcome
of more than three years of her stay on our island.
Where ever this artist from the Netherlands went, she collected impressions of
countries and cities - in Thailand, Malaysia, China, and on Sakhalin. She noted
with interest normal people – those on the streets, markets that we certainly
have become too familiar with to notice their routine. The artist is able to
find the poetry, energy and colour of this every day life. "Inspiration"
deployed as a documentary series, which actively pulse beats Sakhalin life. What
is it, that is so exotic to strange eyes? A part of a fish market. A corner
kitchen with onions and preserves: Blackberry over the stove. Porches of old
houses under heavy snow blankets. Ruins of a car abandoned in a bright green
forest. The head of pig meat on the counter in the meat market ( "Borka
podmignul"). These pictures, written off from life with "tasty" realistic
detail, thanks to the childlike perception of the worldly rainbow painter, who
is by the way a fan of the Russian painter Repin – are openhearted and very
The attractive works of Louisa van Alenburg draws constant attention to people.
Especially in contrast with that of the artworks of her Sakhalin colleagues
today, where people practically disappeared. And in this exhibition presents
Louise conventional, no famous people - rather frozen in the cold selling in the
market, street cobbler-Chinese street tailors with work-worn hands. To her,
everyone. and every event of life, albeit microscopic values, gives impetus to
its inspiration. And this is what allows Louise be so bright and ambiguous in
the achievements of the universe, entitled "Life in Russia" (the title of one of
the series). There is a feeling that the exhibition represented a creative
artist, with pleasure experimenting with different techniques: watercolor,
pastel, batik, painting on aluminum sheets.
"Like painting, poets", - once advised Nikolai Zabolotsky. After all, "she only
gave souls fluid samples transferred to canvas". The artist and poet Louise van
Alenburg seems to be using words as paint and vice versa. Taken from
"Inspiration" one of her poems starts:
It’s is my eyes,
that see your land.
My vision is as coloured
As the brush in my hand.
Opening the exhibition of Louisa van Alenburg, Head of the culture of the area
Raisa Blinova recalled that in September this festival will be held next
national cultures. And to top Sakhalin 21st century the diversity of its
population has long been quite similar to the second Babylon. So, for
completeness of objectivity in the picture chronicle of festivals is high time
to insert "autographs" living in our region, musicians, artists, singers - the
Dutch, Americans, Britons ... After all, they are not just our contemporaries,
but also members of our lives, offering us with a rather unexpected part of
I. Sidorova.
Natalia Kovalevskaya (middle) from the Artist Union and Maria Shitova (right).
Earlier exhibitions
Sfera Building Sakhalin Russia (Solo exhibition)
HUB Sakhalin Russia (Group) An exhibition organised together with Marleen Boelens for all students of the Artist Union.
"Two women with a brush" Sakhalin Russia, a joint exhibition in the ISOS Clinic together with Marleen Boelens
"Bintulu, where the world meets" (Group), organised for my artclass students in Bintulu with special guest artist Lucas Kueh, a local artist from Bintulu.
Cana Chameleon" Malaysia (Solo exhibition)
"Corner of Asia" Thailand, groupexhibition, organised by the Pattaya Art Group
Two Women Exhibition" Thailand, together with Marianne Hvass Kure (from Denmark) at Over the Rainbow Restaurant.
Rayong Refinery Thailand (Group), organised for the my RRC artclass students.
Ban Chang Artclass, Group exhibition organised for my daytime artclass students at the Ban Chang Palace Hotel Thailand.
1988 Heineken Nederland (Solo exhibition)
Expositie Chinees penseelwerk met handgeklost kant bij Berkenhof Tandartsen Heemstede
(mei - nov 2017)
In deze serie werken komt de liefde voor het exotische Chinese penseel schilderen samen met het oer-Nederlandse kantklossen.
Internationale verhuizingen naar diverse uithoeken van de wereld hebben een stempel gedrukt op mijn werk door heel verschillende kunstopvattingen in onder andere Azië. Terug in Nederland ben ik op zoek gegaan naar mijn Nederlandse wortels en ben het kantklossen gaan leren om te gebruiken in mijn werk.
BIB Bollenstreek in Beeld Kunstenaarsvereniging regular exhibitions
My work can be seen regularly in group exhibitions and demonstrations at BIB Kunst
Group exhibition LENTE KRIEBELS
April 2017
Huisartsen Praktijk Oranje Nassau Lisse
Meer info: BIB Bollenstreek in Beeld Kunstenaarsvereniging
Trio expositie "De Vrouw als Muze" van 12 December 2015 t/m 9 Januari 2016
Foto's en meer info over expositie
Chinese big brush demonstration - March 2015 KvI
Exhibition "Kringloop Creaties" January 2015
Painting "Jezebel" was put up for auction and sold
Last year's exhibitions
Hot versus Cold
Click below for photo's, video and press articles
Inaugural exhibition of the MacDonald Island Community Art Gallery
26th of January - 17th of February 2011
The Wood Buffalo Artists Forum
The artists.
What the press wrote:
January 27, 2011
The Power of the Artist's Brush
Exhibition at the Fort McMurray Public Library 4th of April - 5th of May 2010
Original Artwork by Margaret Sonnenberg, Uzma Nadeem and Louise van Alenburg
What the press wrote:
Weekend snowfall temporarily shutters show
"Not only did this weekend's snowfall force many people indoors, but it also caused disappointment for some as a planned art show opening was postponed.... it was very last minute because of weather and road conditions, Sara House, manager of adult services said Saturday.... While the show was not officially opened, it had been on display for the week and house noticed how visitors were drawn to the paiintings...."
HOLLY MIYASAKI, Fort McMurray Today, Monday April 12, 2010
The Power of the Artist's Brush now on Display at the Fort McMurray Public Library
"Fort McMurray is home to many talented artists. Three local artists have recently come together to form The Power of the Artists' Brush in an effort to inspire others in the region with similar talents. Margaret Sonnenberg, Louise van Alenburg and Uzma Nadeem are artists wo's extravagant original paintings are showcased during the exhibition being held at the Fort McMurray Public Library......Louise van Alenburg has been inspired by a natural wonder close to home: the breaking of the ice on the Athabasca River. She has completed a collection of several paitings depicting the beauty and tension of the ice break as well as a few snowflake inspired pieces...... The women who form The Power of the Artist's Brush are artists who all specialize in painting pieces close to their heart.... the exhibition is open to the public... until May 5th."
DIANA WASHER, Connect, Friday April 16-22, 2010